Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hellyer Hack

Chariot Start, originally uploaded by Sabine Dukes.

I wasn't going to go to the track tonight. I'm just stupid tired right now.

Last night, after our races, I just sat around like zombified mosquito bait, waiting for Michael's races to finish. I had the total droopies as I drove home. I almost called Michael so that I would wake up, but I was almost home and wouldn't have a cell signal and figured I could fight it off. blah blah blah.

And then I fell asleep.



Luckily nothing much happened, but it very well could have and I know we have all been there before, but it doesn't make any less irresponsible of me to not have pulled over. I vow to never let that happen again, and I am writing it here so I will remember and hold myself to it.

Okay, enough of the self flagellation (at least until I get to the track tonight).

So, last night, after the first race, my throat felt like someone rubbed it with 20 grit. I could hardly talk. Then when I could finally talk, the hacking started.

Track Hack

If you have not yet experienced track hack, you are missing out on some fun times. I started to get a little anxious about my hack, when I noticed everyone around me had the dreaded coughies. Even 12 year old Dylan (who is awesome by the way!) was coughing up a storm.

Must have been something in the air.

And I am thinking about going back tonight. Although I am super tired, I noticed that a SNOWBALL race is on the schedule, and that sounds like too much fun to miss. Maybe Beth can do my math for me.


The pic above is from the Chariot races last Wednesday (note the lack of actual chariots and roman gods). Check out Gio's throw of Alicia! He was so into it that he threw her right into Jenny. But these girls are so pro that they just rode it off. (Notice Jenny's calm face compared to MIchael's "oh shit" face). This was the final heat of the races. Jenny and Alicia finished 1-2 in the heat right before this.


At 3:10 PM, May 14, 2008, Blogger marscat said...

okay time for someone to take your track bike away from you and your car keys.

please get some sleep. we're gonna need you in one piece for Kern.

At 3:19 PM, May 14, 2008, Blogger chatterbox said...

yeah - stay safe! Make the Man drive you home if you are that tired!

There was this weird fluffy-white polleny-type stuff blowing around Hellyer last night, so maybe track hacks were being stimulated by a little extra irritant.

At 3:21 PM, May 14, 2008, Blogger said...

she's so hooked on the track.

she swore she wouldn't go this morning. hopefully the mini-gear i put on her bike (just in case) will work for tonite's format.


At 3:35 PM, May 14, 2008, Blogger Itinerant Rick said...

Oooh, spinny spinny, fun, fun.

Take a look under that big Sycamore or whatever it is next to the restrooms as you pull into the parking lot. When we pulled in last night it looked like a layer of snow under there. Lots of fine, what, plant particulate floating around. And my sinuses and throats are still all mucked up.

At 3:47 PM, May 14, 2008, Blogger beth bikes! said...

math and sprinting is like sushi after sex

At 3:50 PM, May 14, 2008, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

be safe we need you

At 4:05 PM, May 14, 2008, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

be safe we need you

At 4:15 PM, May 16, 2008, Blogger Que said...

Oh, good, I thought I was developing Exercise Induced Asthma. And that was just from the beginner session...


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