Monday, January 07, 2008

After the Storm

After the Storm, originally uploaded by sabinedukes.

Some storm.

High wind warnings, high surf warnings, batton down the hatches!

And somehow, this treacherous weekend, we managed to get more riding in than usual. (And not on the trainer. Thats not riding, thats just exercising.)

We must have been followed by the group ride angel all weekend because we hit that magic window when the rain stops long enough for frolicking fun each time.

We had about almost 4 hours of mixed sun on Saturday and a couple more on Sunday. We rode over happy and happier trails. We went up the fireroad and down the singletrack.

(As it should be, by the way. I actually had a passive agressive protest on a group ride last week when they all wanted to go up this fine fine singletrack and come back down a paved road. WTF? Warped. So I sat out that loop and met them a little later on. I have my standards)

We went to little moab, lichen lane, monkey trail and watched some cyclocross. Then Michael and I followed it up with good food, boozy drinks and a lovely sunset.

And now its Monday and I am in that weird transistion zone I'm in each time I have to go back to work after a fabulous weekend. The work me just doesn't feel real after a days filled with such satisfying sensory overload. The work me feels hollow and automotonish. And I am stuck drinking decaf.

This morning Michael and I both got up late and he remarked at what a mess everything was. I told him we live like addicts. Just living from one hit to the next.


At 9:51 AM, January 07, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

do you guys have power? we're going on our 4th day without...all of patricia lane has been out since friday morning...

At 9:59 AM, January 07, 2008, Blogger marscat said...

i don't like the work me one bit.

why the decaf?

At 10:13 AM, January 07, 2008, Blogger Velo Bella said...

Yes, we do. It came back on late Friday night (right after we "rescued" all the ice cream). So feel free to wander over to my house for anything you need (shower, etc)


At 10:20 AM, January 07, 2008, Blogger Ron Castia said...

I resemble those last two paragraphs in more way than one should.

At 10:38 AM, January 07, 2008, Blogger EB said...

That is some beautiful sunset. I managed to avoid all the rain so far, but Saturday I had to get up before sunrise so I'm not sure how good a trade-off that is.

A clean house is overrated. Actually, scratch that, a self-cleaned house is overrated. I am entering the market for a house cleaner.

At 10:43 AM, January 07, 2008, Blogger Velo Bella said...

And eeek.

Never do photo-choppin at midnight while laying in bed.

At 11:49 AM, January 07, 2008, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

cool picture...our kitchen table is usually cover with clothing, i think we qualify as addicts too

At 12:41 PM, January 07, 2008, Blogger ~ lauren said...

i had a dream last night that i worked with marscat and ippoc. we were training new hires to do some sort of computer work. but ippoc was over in the corner reading a magazine.

and then we left to go to lunch in the city. and we were gone for over 3 hours.

and we saw you, vb, riding your new bike by at one point.

i woke up feeling scared that i was going to get in trouble for taking such a long lunch.

what a weird dream.

At 1:01 PM, January 07, 2008, Blogger Velo Bella said...

I bet Ippoc was reading Cycle Sport.

And I'm a little pissed that I wasn't invited to lunch.

At 1:31 PM, January 07, 2008, Blogger marscat said...

then we left to go to lunch in the city. and we were gone for over 3 hours...

sounds like just another day at the office for marscat

At 2:52 PM, January 07, 2008, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

marscat has done that 3 hr lunchy thing before...and i do read velonews at work...sometimes

cycle sport stays at home...

VB-you probably were invited to lunch, but you were off riding your bikie...

At 3:03 PM, January 07, 2008, Blogger jen said...

Up the single track, down the pavement, they do that here too.

So wrong.

Glad you had a happy weekend :-)

At 4:03 PM, January 07, 2008, Blogger Ron Castia said...

I like up the single track.

I like down the single track too.

I see no reason to touch pavement.

At 4:17 PM, January 07, 2008, Blogger chatterbox said...

dirt bike = dirt ride

CX or touring bike = maybe both

road bike = road, unless you are feeling recalcitrant

The only time the dirt bike should be on pavement is if you are riding TO a trail. Pavement just should not be included in a dirt loop. That is just wrong.

Love the pic, BTW.

At 4:32 PM, January 07, 2008, Blogger jen said...

Up *and* down the single track is always best.

Better still? If it's different single track each way.

How much longer 'til my trails dry?

At 7:03 PM, January 07, 2008, Blogger Velo Bella said...

okay, let me clarify the rulez:

Up a singletrack and down another singletrack is always optimal. But if two different singletracks aren't available, up the fireroad and down the singletrack is better than up and back down the same singletrack, unless said singletrack is part of a large lollipop loop. The goal is always optimum loop using singletrack.

Going up a singletrack just to come right back down a road is heresy.

At 7:33 AM, January 08, 2008, Blogger veloandvino said...

I so confused with single track, i'll stick to fire roads.

At 1:36 PM, January 08, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a little ditty to brighten up your addict life. I watched an interview with Whitney Houston over the holiday and the interviewer asks, "Do you do crack?" and Whitney shakes her finger at her, all ghetto like, and says "Lets get something straight. I make TOO much money to do crack. Crack is WACK." (interpretation: I do the expensive stuff and leave the crack to the paupers.) So Scott and I get home from Hawaii and we're complaining about ironing our cottons and say we'd rather have the dry cleaner do our ironing of cottons rather than wash them here and iron and so I shake my finger at him and say "Lets get something straight. I make TOO much money to iron. Ironing is WACK!" (All the while both of us realizing that Wild Dingo's take home pay left Wild Dingo in the red this year.) Moral: life of an addict w/o the hard drugs is so worth it.

Ps. at least you have internet. I'm on "dial up" cuz the 160 mph winds blew the smithereens out of the antenae at soda springs. and we wonder why Wild Dingo is in the red...


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