Monday, December 17, 2007


I am too soft for cross.

Cuz there's no way in hell I would have raced in the conditions they had in Kansas City this past weekend. Frost nip, crashing in icy puddles, snow ruts.

But the hardcore award has to go to the pit crews. Washing bikes in the freezing cold? I'd just cry and walk away.


Instead, I spent the weekend in the luxury of my own house. The only time I ventured outside was to ride over to Demo. Yes, ride over to Demo. That is what is luxurious about my house. I can ride to a place like Demo.

It really shouldn't be that way. We should have patches of earth to ride and walk no matter where we live. It wouldnt be that hard if you planned for it. And then, maybe more people would give a damn about whats happening to it. (and maybe we wouldn't be so obese)

As it is now, nature is place that people go visit. We fence off little sections of it to be traveled to and ooooed and awwwed at. Vacations planned around it and RV reservations made.


There's talk that we might have passed one of those global warming tipping points. The northwest passage will be clear for the first time, some thirty years ahead of when climatologists expected. And what does this alarming news inspire countries to do? Well, to fight over it of course, and lay claim to the riches such a passage opens up.


I'm not sure what I think of all that. Its too early on a Monday morning for such thoughts. I really only meant to talk about Cross Nationals and somehow the conversation wandered over to this. I hate when that happens. Its so sobering and grown up.

Nothing a little bike ride at lunch won't solve though.


At 12:41 PM, December 17, 2007, Blogger Tom said...

Just FYI, the media has seriously misrepresented the facts regarding the Northwest Passage.

The Northwest Passage was successfully navigated in 1906, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1944, 1957, 1969, 1977, 1984, 1988, and 2000.

More details are here .


At 1:01 PM, December 17, 2007, Blogger Velo Bella said...

I read no such misrepresentation.


Yes, it has been gingerly navigable before. But this year it is fully navigable and ice free since records of such events have been kept. If it were so navigable in the past, why weren't we all fighting over it? We are fighting over it now, because now we see the possibility of a predictably safe ice free passage.

Funny, how US policy picks and chooses when to listen to climatologists.

2007 broke all of 2005 ice melt records. 2007 could be an anomoly. Lets hope it is.

And the longer the US wants to be stubborn about it, the further behind we will be.

And, even if ALL of the leading scientists are wrong, what harm can come from us being less harmful?

At 7:41 PM, December 17, 2007, Blogger chatterbox said...

Yes, there is no harm in reducing our consumption, in my mind. Well, maybe we would harm our economy that is perilously dependent on us consuming ever more, and using debt to finance our 'spending'....OK I am wandering into a different topic.

Anyway, hope you had a great lunch ride - those do cure a multiple of evils.

At 11:07 AM, December 18, 2007, Blogger russellp said...

Hey Pot, here's Kettle on Misrepresentation:

The NW Passage was negotiated in all those years by Arctic expeditions equipped for the sole purpose of navigating the route. It's nice having an icebreaker and a few months to cruise around up there, y'know?

What's being forecast is that normal-hulled ships (of the Cosco Busan-meets-Bay Bridge kind) will be able to go right on through, speedily and on schedule for quick deliveries from Rotterdam to Shanghai. And that's never been done...yet.

Climate change or no, we're finding lots of ways to f*** the planet over, and I applaud any attempt to acknowledge our responsibility to live sustainably.

At 11:58 AM, December 18, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

"I don't BELIEVE in global warming"



At 6:05 PM, December 18, 2007, Blogger X Bunny said...

canucks know ice


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