Friday, September 14, 2007

Points and Potluck

My group here at work loves themselves some potluck. I love potluck too. Where else do you get such a crazy mix of foods on one plate?

Yesterday's potluck included the usuals like spinach dip, meatballs in a crock pot, and weird pasta salads you would never make at home, but it also had chili colorado, spring rolls, kahlua pork, and cheesecake.

And then there was the fruit salad that I kept going back for and getting pad thai instead.

And it was with this eccletic brew packed in my belly that I hit last night's points race.

Talk about a perfect storm.

Last's nights points race was a blast. Larry shuffled up the groups a little and kicked some folks out of the Cs. That was nice. It led to a more evenly matched group and we all had a chance to slice and dice.

We had four women in the group and I think we were by far the animators of that race. Jen loves to attack, Julie has wicked sprint speed and vision, and Natasha (in her first track event ever) can lay down the suffer!

It was also the first time I got to race with a teammate and I think thats why it was so much more fun for me. I love me some potluck and I love me some teammates. I got to sit in while Natasha was in one of her several attacks. I got to yell at her to "hit it!" and she did. I tried to protect her side during the sprints so it was harder for others to go around. It added a whole new layer of learning and doing.

I had big improvement at this race, not just in point scoring which is nice and sort of the point of the points race and all, but in being aware. I am slowly losing that crazy go fast tunnel vision and starting to be able to see around and behind me. I don't know that I want to see these things because sometimes they freak me out, but I am certainly more aware.

And I am spazzing less, although I did have my one spaz moment last night. But it was because someone came out of the pole lane into me during a sprint (a big dangerous no no) and so I think my spaz was justified. I just wish my spazz cries were more like a vicious bark and less like a wounded animal. Eeeeek!

SO anyway, we are going around and around in the points race and I am not spazzing and Natasha and I are scoring and some dude in a white jersey is chasing everything down and Julie is a sprinting phenom and Jen just wants to get away and we are all basically kicking ass, when the potluck starts making an appearance at about 20 to go.

By 15 to go I was tasting the pad thai, but disaster struck when the chili colorado made an appearance at about 10 to go. I made a huge effort at 3 to go and I thought I was going to display the potluck menu for all of Hellyer and had no choice but to back off. I was disappointed to not be in the mix on the last lap, but such is the potluck price I suppose.

It was all okay in the end though, because I won some of Jen's fabulous chocolate chip cookies and nothing calms the chirps like cookies and beer.

And I think I wanna race cross this year.


At 1:19 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger said...


At 1:32 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger ~ lauren said...

did you throw up a little in your mouth? sometimes that happens to me if i eat too much p-nut butter & jelly sandwich before a race.

you're racing CROSS?! so cool!

can't wait to see you out there!

At 1:51 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger tash said...

it was bella-badness at the track!!! soooo fun, and you were on fire (despite the belly hurdy-gurdy). can't wait for next week - and cross - you gotta race cross! think how easily you'll fly over those barriers w/ that track-aliciousness in your legs. ohhhh yeahhhh.

At 2:03 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger beth bikes! said...

wooooo- yay!

now we just need to work on the head-butt and we'll be track pros!

At 2:27 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger Itinerant Rick said...

track-aliciousness, indeed! Sounds like fun times. Next year gotta work from home on whatever night races are held so I can come an mix it up ... but I will skip the potluck on those days.

cookies and beer? Interesting.

At 2:44 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

some guy barfed on the city bus yesterday..really gross...glad you didn't barf...but is your eek anything like our little Daisy's eek...cus that would just be too cute then...

At 2:48 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger marscat said...

i was just trotting around the other day when a little pre-barf barf liquid made an appearance in my mouth...and i wasn't even going for points

how long do these points races happen? ippoc thinks they end in september...

and the barfer on the bus DID warn the driver he was going to hurl...i believed him

At 3:04 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger place_holder said...

no digits?

At 4:13 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger PAB(a.k.a.CID) said...

yay for Sabine!

yay for Bellas!

yay for barf!!!

At 4:50 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger Emily said...

There's nothing worse than when a little vomit rises to your mouth. It leaves you wondering -- was that it? Am I going to be totally sick? And then there's the lovely after taste that you can't get rid of, especially if you are racing. yuck.

It sounds as if you scored some major points and had fun anyway.

At 4:54 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger X Bunny said...

yay for larry!

yay for cross!

At 4:59 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger jen said...

Yay for points!

You must race cross and tell lots of funny stories.

I was going to race cross. Then a new surfboard entered the premises, instead of a cross bike. Oopsy.

At 5:32 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger Velo Bella said...

you know, you'll never be a Cat 2 road racer if you spend your time surfing

mr so and so said so

At 5:34 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger Velo Bella said...

The Thursdays only run through September. Larry is talking about trying to keep something going all winter, which I encouraged. But now there's talk that there might be ranger conflicts with that idea.

At 5:35 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger Velo Bella said...

I feel gross today by the way. All full off of potluck leftovers....yech

At 5:41 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger jen said...

"you know, you'll never be a Cat 2 road racer if you spend your time surfing"

Ha! :-)

And, if I surf too much? My jerseys won't fit anymore. Stoopid muscle memory thingy.

At 10:34 PM, September 14, 2007, Blogger place_holder said...

you know, you'll never be a Cat 2 road racer if you spend your time surfing

yes, mr. so-and-so said so.

At 1:33 PM, September 15, 2007, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

surfing is cool...short board or long board?

At 6:05 PM, September 15, 2007, Blogger jen said...

6'6", but it's floatier than a standard shortboard. cuz i suck ;-)

john in sb has a 9' long board, that gets lots of use 'round here cuz it's often smallish. he's also got a wippy little shortboard when it's wippy shortboard weather.

went today. crappy surf, but funsies.

At 8:06 PM, September 17, 2007, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

i miss surfing, but I only body surfed...maybe you can take us surfing at the next bella training camp...

At 11:17 AM, September 19, 2007, Blogger Lyne said...

Congrats on the well-deserved award!! and have fun in Vegas.


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