Email of the Day
From: Ed
Subject: Lost Glove at USGP Race #5
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 13:19:25 -0800
I'm sure this is a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng shot but here goes. I raced in your fine event on Nov 19th in the Mens B race and lost my 5 fingered long glove, made by Pearl Isumizi and it is black on the back side and grey on the palm side. It is the left hand. I just bought them so I'm kind of bummed. If you have it I would love to get it back but I know it is doubtful.
From: Sabine
To: Ed
maybe if
you tell everyone you meet,
that Velo bella throws the best race ever,
the glove will somehow land in your mailbox
From: Ed
To: Sabine
I will start today, telling everyone about the Velo Bella's, the pink hair and the silver blush and oh how they make the surf the city...
(editor's note: yes, the glove is on its way to Portland)
From: nooneofconsequence
Subject: lost at the GrandPrik
Dear VB-ness,
there is probably no help possible here - however, it appears that i misplaced my destiny at some point during your race. It might have happened during one of my crashes, or perhaps when JRoboSon pedaled past me like a freight train up that silly, hill on the backside of the course.
I'm not exactly sure how to describe it for identification...other that to say it is small, obscure and meaningless to most - but rather shiny and dear to me, all the same. If found, would you please wrap it in something pretty and send it to:
1234 Hesawank Dr.
LostinTranslation, CA 90210
thanks very much,
From: BabblyBella
To: Vanderhooptie
actually, I'm not so fond of gloves (prefering skin) so I was quick to return that item.
And your destiny is not misplaced. Its here safe and sound. It just looked as if it needed some whimsy. Hope you don't mind.
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